Friday, June 12, 2020

Rhetorical Triangle - Free Essay Example

Rhetorical Triangle Discussion Board PSP111-1001B-03 Presentation Essentials Rhetorical Triangle is the active correlation between the speaker, the audience, and the situation of a presentation or speech. The rhetorical triangle determines the success of a presentation or speech. When a speech executes the three primary elements of the speaker, the audience, and the situation in balance the Rhetorical Triangle is effectively complete. It is important for a speaker to give equal relevance to all three elements to have a successful result. The Rhetorical Triangle has three equal elements that create the triangular depiction. The speaker element involves the person giving â€Å"an oral message to the listener† (Lucas, 2008, p. 17). A speaker must believe in the message in order to convince the listeners of what is said. The speaker’s state of mind at the time of the message will translate to the spectators. The speaker must also have â€Å"personal credibility† in order to gain respect from the viewers. The characteristics of the speaker also affect the audience and the situation. The speaker’s enthusiasm, deliverance, proficiency, and predispositions directly affect the ways in which the viewers will perceive the message and influence the environment. The audience element involves the person or people who will view the presentation or speech delivered by the speaker. It is important for the speaker to consider the audience element relevant so that the receivers of the message will not feel disconnected from the message. A speaker must develop a relationship with the audience. To successfully create a relationship, the speaker must research who the audience is in regard to the motivating factors, enjoyments, and biases. Each audience is different so the speaker must adjust the style of the message with each unique audience so that the listeners can effectively relate to the message. It is important for the speaker to understand that each individual in an audience may have a different â€Å"frame of reference† which includes unique personal experiences, standards, and knowledge (Lucas, 2008, p. 19). The speaker must realize that the message may mean something different to each listener in the audience so it is important not to over generalize when delivering the message. A listener in an audience wants to feel as though the speaker is considering his or her individuality. The situation element involves both the point in time and the environment of the presentation. The environment of the presentation is very important because it sets the tone for the message. A presentation given in an inappropriate environment can destroy the entire message. For example, a presentation on deep sea diving given in a shallow swimming pool will not deliver a successful message. The environment of setting for the presentation can either hinder or assist in the excellence of the message. The situation element of a presentation should be considered just as important as the speaker and audience because it also has a hand in the collapse or victory of the presentation. If either element is lacking, the presentation will fall short. The Rhetorical Triangle’s three elements need to be used together so that the speaker may have a successful presentation. There can be four approaches to a presentation which include a speech or lecture, a workshop, a discussion, or group activity. The Rhetorical Triangle needs to be used in each approach to be successful. It would be appropriate to use a speech or lecture when trying to inform one’s audience. A speech or lecture can education the audience. A workshop would be used when trying to employ and improve. There are different sessions that one can attend to acquire knowledge. A workshop is unique because it is a brief educational experience designed for a specific group. A discussion encourages social interaction and open conversation. A discussion is less informal and is more interactive than a lecture or workshop. A group activity is used to encourage and promote cooperative elements when trying to reach a goal. It is most appropriate when trying to promote cooperation and support among persons. Social interaction in groups is relevant to the progression of the project or goal. Group activity involves â€Å"struggling to understand one another, especially in the face of pressures and contradictions that typically drive groups members to shut down† (Kaner, Lind, and Toldi, 2007). Group activity can remain motivated by having individual and group responsibilities. The four approaches to a presentation are all very distinctive but with the successful execution of the Rhetorical Triangle each can be presented effectively. ? References Kaner, Sam, Lind, Lenny, and Toldi, Catherine (2007). Facilitator’s guide to participatory decision-making. California: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from: https://books. google. com/books? id=bHJ3vhtm2uwClpg=PT18dq=successful%20group%20decision%20makingpg=PT7#v=onepageq=successful%20group%20decision%20makingf=false Lucas, Stephen. (2008). The Art of Public Speaking. (10th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill

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